I thought it would be fun to share 10 random things about myself. I want everyone to get to know me, & I would love to get know all of you! So here are 10 random facts about me.
1. I really, really love dogs. As a child I literally loved them almost to death. When going through old photos I noticed a theme of my childhood:
I don't understand why I was allowed near dogs...
2. I love the word obsessed & way over use it.
3. My favorite adult bevy of choice is vodka.
I like it a lot.
5. I am a quarter Italian.
Which you can totally see when you look at me.
6. I was completely clueless about sports until college (high school games were a string of really interesting comments about the game). The only catch about my love now is that I prefer Villanova sports.
Villanova Men's Basketball coach.
7. I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up.
8. My favorite color in the world is pink & almost everything I own is pink.
My room at school.
9. I've had the same best friend for 21 years, & I'm only 21.
10. I want to live in New York City after college, & eventually move to California.
So now that you know a few random things about me, share something random about you in the comments!