Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Home is Where the Heart Is

Measuring Cups  /  Cookie Jars  /  Cookie Cutters  /  Wooden Spoon  /  Spatula  /  Mug  /  Cake Stand  /  Dish Towel  /  Plate
Around the House: 
Pillow  /  Pillow  /  Pillow  /  Print  /  Print

Valentine's Day is a week & a half away, so it's time to get your house ready for the big day!  There are so many adorable home items that have been topped with hearts for this special occasion.  Every room in the house is covered from pillows for your living room to dishes & spatulas for your kitchen.  Since pink is my absolute favorite color, you can only imagine how much I love all the pink things that have been coming out lately!  All of these charming pieces really have me in the mood for Valentine's Day.

Have you decorated your place with pink & red hearts to get you in the mood for the holiday?  Are you ready for Valentine's Day?

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  1. So many of these things are pieces I'd like in my home anyway, let alone on Valentine's Day! I've been looking for some new mugs - how perfect are those ones?! Thank you! xoo
    The perks of being a hipster - Victoria’s Secrets Giveaway!

  2. So much loveliness in this!!! ADORE IT ALL!!!! EEEEE! Thanks for putting this lovely little collection together! :)

  3. I love all three of those throw pillows! It looks like I might have a little shopping to do :)

  4. I love those pillows! They're adorable. I would totally keep them year round, and not just for Valentines day :)

  5. All these stuff are really cute, but the title of this post is absolutely the best part!
    Facebook Page Bonjourchiara
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  6. I LOVE all of these! My favorites are the pillows and the cookie containers! I don't usually decorate for Vday, but I should considering I love hearts and pink!

  7. I love that mug/cake stand/dish towel set - too cute! I always seem to miss out on doing any decorating for Valentine's Day since I tend to put away Christmas way too late, but I may need to start this year! Great picks!

  8. Love love that cake plate.

  9. I love this collection! I made a similar post/board and we had some of the same items, great minds think alike!! :)

  10. Just found your blog and fell in love with all these pretties!! The cake stand is my absolute favorite! So excited to be your newest follower :)

  11. I have been eyeing up that follow your heart pillow for a while now! So cute! I love the mug too!


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Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Blush Blonde! I love all of your comments and make sure to read each one! xoxo
