I know I've mentioned before that I have crazy bad food allergies, & because of this I've been meaning to get a medical i.d. bracelet for a while now. In my search of a bracelet I have learned two things: there are a lot of really ugly medical i.d. bracelets out there, & medical i.d. bracelets get get pretty pricey. After figuring these out I came to the realization that I was probably not the only person that was having these problems. So I did some searching & found some pretty bracelets that I wanted to share.
1. MerciMamanGifts on Etsy $64.59
2. TracyTayanDesigns on Etsy $17.95
3. NatureWalkJewelry on Etsy $16.00
4. Mimiluboutique on Etsy $50.00
5. Mimiluboutique on Etsy $36.00
6. MyIdentityDoctor on Etsy $34.99
As you can see Etsy had the cutest options on the market. While I love all of these, my favorite is #4, on this one you can print all around the entire bracelet & even on the inside (I have a lot to put on mine). Now that I've found some that I like all I need to do is actually order one!
Which is your favorite?
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Another reason to love etsy!