Monday, May 4, 2015

April's Beauty Empties

I always stock up on this when Bath & Body Works comes out with it for the holidays (I just learned though that they do sell it on Amazon all year round!).  I have an issue with scents and can really only tolerate lotions that have a vanilla scent to them.  This lotion literally smells like sugar cookies - so delicious!  Whenever I wear it I always get compliments and it helps to make my skin silky smooth.

Will I repurchase? Yes. I've already opened the bottle I got in my stocking for Christmas!  I also have this scent in an Ultra Shea Body Cream, when I need a little extra moisture.  Next year at the holidays I will definitely stock up again!

I love pretty much everything I have gotten from Mario Badescu and this is no exception.  Read my review of this mask here for all the details!

Will I repurchase? Maybe.  While I was very happy with the results I am interested in trying a few other masks before repurchasing this; at some point though this will probably make it into my beauty routine again.

For the longest time I've used CoverGirl Lash Exact Mascara because out of all the mascaras I've tried (from high end to drugstore brands) it has always been my favorite and never irritated my eyes. However, recently it has been pretty hard to find so when it wasn't at the store I ended up getting this instead and was pleasantly surprised.  When I finished up this tube, I was able to find my old favorite, but was disappointed in it after using this!  I love the larger brush that this tube has because it makes it easier to coat all of my lashes, and the formula doesn't flake or irritate my eyes.  From a girl who is very picky about her mascara, I definitely recommend this!

Will I repurchase? Yes.  As soon as I am done with the CoverGirl Lash Exact Mascara I have I will be buying this.

I talked about this cleanser in my The Best Face Cleansers post.  Like I said in that post this is my absolute favorite cleanser that I have ever used, and that says a lot because I have tried about a million different ones.  It uses natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids to exfoliate and clear out pores, and does a great job of keeping blackheads and blemishes away without drying out skin.

Will I repurchase? Yes.  I already have.

I alternate between purchasing this moisturizer and Aveeno Smart Essentials Daily Nourishing Moisturizing.  I favor the Smart Essentials one (read my review here), but this one is usually easier to find.  I like that this one uses a Total Soy Complex to lighten dark spots (I think I don't have any spots because I've been using this on and off for years) and it also has natural light diffusers, which make your skin glow.  This comes in both SPF 15 and SPF 30, but I recommend the SPF 30 because I am all about sunscreen.  (I also recommend that if you're looking for a new daytime face cream you look at both of the lotions and see which works better for your skin type; my skin is combination, but tends to be on the dry side and both have worked well for me.)

Will I repurchase? Yes.  I am on the last few drops of this at the moment, and when I go to pick up a new bottle I will look for the Aveeno Smart Essentials Daily Nourishing Moisturizing, but if I can't find it I will buy this.

I received a deluxe size sample of this when I purchased my Clarisonic and it is seriously the most luxe face cream I have ever used.  It literally goes on like butter and makes my skin feel like velvet.  When it was colder out my skin was really dry, but this helped to get it back to a better place.  The cream is super rich and because of this it lasts for a really long time.

Will I repurchase? I wish!  Unfortunately this cream is way out of my college student budget, but if it was I would definitely be repurchasing it.  If it is in your budget you have to try it!


Do you use or have you used any of these products?  If you have used them what did you think of them?!

Make sure to add me on Snapchat - @kthomp22!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am always on the lookout for new mascara! Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I am using this mascara now and I absolutely love it! I can't believe how good it is!


  4. I have to try that cleansing gel-it sounds fab!!! I wish I could afford that luxe face creme-it is so out of my budget as well!

  5. All the items a genuine! But little expensive!


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