Yesterday on Instagram (@theblushblonde) I shared one of my goals for 2017 and wanted to expand on that here along with sharing a few other goals I have for the new year. I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions because realistically no one ever keeps them and they just land up stressing people out. I instead set basic goals and try to do my best to meet them. I am sharing these here so that I can refer back to them throughout the year and hold myself accountable for them.
1. Complete the Tone It Up Challenge 2017.
I want to kick off 2017 on the right foot with a healthy diet and exercise plan. However, I also need to remind myself to be realistic in terms of my health that I won't be able to follow the plan completely; I will need to make adjustments to the amount of exercise and certain moves, and I will also have to make alterations to the meal plan to accommodate my food allergies. I basically just want to complete this challenge to the best of my ability without overdoing, making myself feel sicker, or getting upset that I have to make the aforementioned adjustments.
2. Eat healthier (all year).
I purchased the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan to help me with this. I have so many issues with my stomach and it feels best when I'm eating very healthy so completing this one is most important to me. I also need to stop eating wheat because I have an intolerance to it and have to seriously cut back my dairy intake. I'm hoping that all of this will help to make my stomach at least feel a little better and make me feel healthier overall.
3. Exercise 3-4 days a week.
When I was in school I walked everywhere and very rarely took the shuttle for my exercise. Since I am no longer in school I have not been moving enough and I need to get back to doing something to get me up and exercising. I am going to start this goal with the TIU Challenge and hopefully carry it through the year.
4. Blog 4 days a week.
The past few months I have been feeling so sick and have been blogging super sporadically, which I hate. As much as I would love to commit to blogging my usual five days a week, I think four days is a more realistic goal for right now. I also need to really get working on my 2017 planning and try to write posts farther in advance. Once I have all of that done I want to collaborate more, learn more about social media and design, and spend as much time working on this as I can.
5. Stay more on top of emails.
I am so behind on emails it's not even funny, and it's both personal and work emails. I have just been completely neglecting all emails and now am totally overwhelmed by how many I have. My plan is to start going through work emails tomorrow and finish it up either Thursday or Friday and then to work on my personal emails (which is way worse) in the coming weeks.
6. Connect more with friends.
I feel like I have been terrible at connecting and spending times with friends the last few months and I want that to change that this year. I want to reach out to more people, set aside more time to spend with friends, and get together with them more often.
7. Apply to graduate school.
I was initially applying for grad school to begin this January, but in September I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and postponed my application process. I have decided that now I want to apply to begin in Fall 2017 to programs in Public Relations or Communications with a concentration on Public Relations. I've narrowed down my options to three schools and now I just need to actually apply to them!
8. Take Coco for more walks.
Coco loves to go for walks and I don't get to take her on them as often as I would like to so this something I need to do more. This is more of a spring, summer, and warm winter day goal, but one I definitely have to work on.
9. Pick at my skin less.
I have an awful habit at picking my skin that I really need to stop. I love picking at and popping blackheads and pimples and spend way too much time looking at my skin in the mirror to find something to pick at. This is terrible for my skin and probably causing more blackheads and pimples so I need to make a great effort to do this less and eventually stop altogether.
10. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.
I feel sicker in the morning and better at night so I tend to stay up really late and sleep into the afternoon because it's what my body wants. Unfortunately the schedule I'm following becomes very tricky when I have an early appointment or something to attend in the morning. I've also been staying up much later then I would like to even for me (which says a lot). I really need to force myself to get in bed earlier and then hopefully I will start to naturally wake up earlier.
What are your goals for 2017?
Make sure to add me on Snapchat - @kthomp22!
Welcome to Tutu Tuesdays a linkup with The Blush Blonde and The Fairy Princess Diaries! Linkup whatever you'd like and make sure to do a little mingling - our goal here is to create a community of bloggers where we can all connect, find new blogs, and support one another. We love new friends, supporting other blogs, and meeting fellow girl bosses!
There are just a few rules we ask you follow to join in on Tutu Tuesdays:
1. Please follow both Jordyn and me, your lovely hosts, on Instagram and/or Bloglovin.
Kristin: The Blush Blonde | Bloglovin' | Instagram
Jordyn: The Fairy Princess Diaries | Bloglovin' | Instagram
2. Link to your specific post, not your blog's main page.
3. Grab our super cute button or share a link to Tutu Tuesdays in the post you are linking up so everyone can know about the party!
4. Have fun and mingle with other bloggers that have linked up! Like I said we want everyone to make new friends!

Gosh I need to pick at my skin less too! These are great resolutions, I can't wait to follow along!
Ashley |
Good for you on these goals! I started my fitness journey with TIU years ago - their challenges are always amazing. :)